なないろレディースクリニック 1

Architecture, Interior Design, Branding


The old building was built first on the left. The right is the new building that was added.


“Architecture with a centripetal force, open to diverse patients”
The obstetrics and gynecology clinic, NANAIRO Ladies Clinic, was built in 2007, two years after the opening of the Tsukuba Express connecting Tsukuba City in Ibaraki Prefecture to Akihabara in Tokyo. Tsukuba is an academic city within commuting range to central Tokyo, where many researchers and people with diverse nationalities and occupations live.
The client was a doctor who decided to leave Tokyo to open a clinic in Tsukuba, striving to meet the diverse needs of individuals with different occupations and varying ideal childbirth styles. After many careful consultation sessions, the clinic was named “nanairo (seven colors of the rainbow),” representing overlapping colors of a rainbow bridging the local community, striving to become a familiar clinic to the locals with a magnetic pull in the region.
The visual identity (VI) plan of the building was to visualize the corporate brand in “seven colors,” with the walls of private patient rooms and the curtains of the glazed waiting room on the first floor colored in a rainbow color spectrum as a whole. The overall design is integrated compactly and functionally, with contrasting exterior wall materials on the outpatient zone on the first floor made of glass and the 2nd-floor inpatient zone made of pine, designed like the city of Tsukuba, where the city and the countryside coexist. The hospital rooms on the 2nd floor have various wall colors, room sizes, and shapes. The glazed waiting room and multi-colored curtains on the 1st floor loosely connect to the surroundings of residences and paddy fields. The first phase began with the main building constructed with a steel structure housing 13 beds. The second phase RC annex was built in 2009 to complete the obstetrics and gynecology clinic focused on child delivery with a total of 19 beds.

The main complex is built in 2007, with a glass waiting room on the 1st floor and patient rooms in different shapes, colors, and sizes on the 2nd floor. The external walls of the 2nd floor are made with pine thermo-woods.

  • 1階はガラス張りの待合室、2階の外壁はパイン材のサーモウッド。水田の方に迫り出した部分がラウンジ
    The glass waiting room on the 1st floor, and 2nd floor covered with pine thermo-woods. The extension over the water farm is its exclusive lounge.

  • 2階は部屋の大きさ、形、色が異なる患者用個室。2階の外壁はパイン材のサーモウッド
    The 2nd floor is filled with patient rooms in different size, colors, and shapes. The external walls of the 2nd floor are made with pine thermo-woods.

The waiting room on the 1st floor. The interior is made up with woods with silver heart. The “wooden box” at the end is the kids’ room.

  • 1階の待合室は、多様ないろのカーテンによって、緩やかに視覚的に分離されている
    The waiting room on the 1st floor come with various curtains for a subtle visual separation of space.

  • 2階のラウンジは、患者同士や家族と話をしたり食事を食べることができる。外には広大な水田が広がる
    The lounge on the 2nd floor is for patients and families to dine in and communicate. OUtisde the lounge are huge water farms.

The patient rooms on the 2nd floors are all painted in different colors, with playful curved walls embracing its unique shapes and sizes.

The patient rooms on the 2nd floors are all painted in different colors, with playful curved walls embracing its unique shapes and sizes.

The colors of the individual rooms can also be seen from the common area outside like a “rainbow corridor”.

  • 2009年に建った、RC造3階の別館。1階に診察室、レントゲン室、ヘアエステ室を持ち、2階に8床の個室と3階に当直医師用の個室がある
    The 3-storey reinforced concrete annex is established in 2009. The 1st floor is the diagnosis room, the X-ray room, and a hair salon; the 2nd floor is filled with 8 patient rooms and the 3rd floor is the working space for doctors.

  • 別館外壁は、RC造のコンクリート打ち放し+モルタル補修+撥水材塗布と本館と共通のパイン材のサーモウッドを使用した
    The external walls of the annex complex are made with reinforced raw concrete, mortar, water-proof painting, and pine thermo-woods similar to the main complex.

On the 2nd floor of the annex is a lounge connected with the corridor called “the Forest Hall” with thermo-wood as the internal wall materials. The floor is neatly covered with cork tiles.

  • 2階別館の患者用個室。天井にそれぞれの色が塗装されている
    The ceiling of the individual patient rooms on the 2nd floor of the annex are painted with different colors.

  • 別館2階の「森のホール」と呼ぶ廊下内ラウンジ
    On the 2nd floor of the annex is a lounge connected with the corridor called “the Forest Hall”.

The sofa at the waiting room on the 1st floor of the annex.

  • 1階本館の診察室のデスクもデザインを行う。
    Special designs of the desks in the diagnosis room on the 1st floor of the main complex.

  • 名刺、診察券、ベビー服、フライヤー、タオル、ロゴマーク、母子手帳ケース、封筒などのCI計画も行う
    The standardized corporate image on the name card, patient card, baby wears, flyers, towel, logo, mother’s handbook case, envelopes, etc.

The night view of the main complex and the annex.

The diagram showing the structure of the main complex



Place: Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Use: medical office (obstetrics and gynecology department)
Art Direction: Junzo Kuroda
Architectural design, supervision: Junda Kuroda atelier, existing design room
Structure: Hasegawa Daisuke structure plan
Equipment: ZO Design Room
Curtain: Yoko Ando (NUNO)
Construction: Tobu Construction Co., Ltd.
Photo: Mitsumasa Fujitsuka, Takumi Ota